Here is a beautiful label that we had the pleasure of developing for our client Xavier Vignon for his wine L’Esprit Français. Our mission, led by our designer and our feasibility department, was to ennoble the coat of arms by adding finesse and detail! In addition, a dry curve was chosen in order to bring out the writing and the design of the coat of arms. Here is our client’s testimony about the design of his label:
“L’Esprit Français is about breaking down barriers, breaking codes, revolutionising the established order, claiming one’s heritage while remaining open to the world.
L’Esprit Français is unique because it is rich in contradictions. Wines made from French wine-making know-how, from rich and unique terroirs, wines that are proud to be French and proud of their differences, wines that are proud to be drunk around the world, wines that are proud to propagate the freedom of spirit.
With respect for our ecosystems, L’Esprit Français is committed to an organic and sustainable approach to our terroirs.
INESSENS took charge of the project, providing us with real added value in the sublimation of the central medal. The design and feasibility teams worked together to develop the project towards greater finesse and depth. Right up to the machine proof where we were able to validate the final adjustments together. Quality support from start to finish!
Our team was happy to work on a project that is not lacking in French!

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